A Moment With God


The family had a movie to watch, but I had already spent enough time in front of the TV for one day. I needed time alone.

Time where no one would be talking. Where no one would ask me a question, or tell me a story, or try to make me laugh…

Time to think, pray, sing, wonder and listen.

I grabbed my pillow, put on flannel PJs, found my favorite quilt and headed for my chosen destination: the swing in my backyard. The night was windy, but that only added to the feeling of mystery as I watched the clouds being pushed across the sky. The lights from the city didn’t allow for many stars to be seen, but one stubbornly poked through the darkness to allow a flickering attraction: a place to focus my attention.

“O God of the stars, the sun and the moon, O God of the wind and the seas;
Though You’re everywhere how amazing it is that You can be here with me!

The uncharted craters of planets beyond, You know like the palm of Your hand.
And yet, You’re concerned with my little world; Oh help me to understand!

I know that miracles happen to people like me the moment we dare to believe.
For we are the object of God’s mighty love: Love greater than our little minds can conceive!

The stars will collide. The sun will grow dim. This whole universe will pass away.
But nothing can change the promise that He made…and Christ in my heart…will stay!”

As I lay there on the swing, feeling the wind pushing me, imagining I am being held in His arms,

…wondering at the majesty of His creation…

I had a moment with God.

Then, I fell asleep…

Thank you, Father.

14 responses »

  1. Yeah…He’s amazingly accessible!

    We have access to the God of the Universe through the blood of His Son. We can go humbly, yet boldly, before His throne of grace. It really is too amazing to comprehend. But…it’s real!!

    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  2. “Time where no one would be talking. Where no one would ask me a question, or tell me a story, or try to make me laugh…”

    What is it that makes too many of us want to fill our ears and minds with the superficial…
    …that makes us want to avoid the serious solitary contemplation that only comes from ‘getting alone with God’?

    Could it be we might not feel that ‘comfortable’ in our ‘aloneness’ if He actually did ‘show up’ to meet with us there?

    I’m glad that’s not true of you, and that you shared your insights received from it here with us =) !
    May your ‘tribe’ increase !!


  3. Thank you, Laz.

    I wish I’d get quiet with Him more often than I do. The moments when I’m open to Him and waiting to hear His words are the best. To forsake that time, due to busyness and distractions, is crippling to my daily walk. I know that too well.

    I need Him every hour.

    Have a blessed day, Laz!

  4. Hi Sis πŸ™‚


    Being an only Child and a divorcee of 24 years now i have had more of those moments than many have been blessed with finding in their far ‘busier’ lives.

    Sitting in the ‘Church’ as you did – the Living, constantly moving and altering Church of His Creation – fills my heart with a far more personal sense of Him than i have ever got from sitting in Church where i have never felt like i ‘belong’.

    And i know that ‘we’ are also His church but i see little that is truly Holy and Him in those places compared to His Majesty He shows me as i sit in quiet contemplation – and reverance – and thanksgiving in an Eden-like garden. πŸ™‚

    It would be good if we could take the lessons learned and the feelings aroused from such moments with us back ‘into’ our ‘normal’ everyday life, but all too often the daily lives of others interfere too much on us to do that constantly and we take on so much from others that we feel a need to seek those times again.

    And Life goes on.

    Peace Sis πŸ™‚


  5. πŸ˜€ I cannot say how … thankful … I am for this moment. For you. To hear the peace, and rest … absolutely beautiful. Love you Michaela.

  6. Private mMoments with God are awesome. I’ve had quite a few lately in my closet and bathroom. Funny places to commune with God but ones that have given me the privacy and safety to connect with Him without external interferance.

    To this day it is amazing to me that the Father, THE FATHER, wants to commune with me. I always think of the song “Who am I that You are mindful of me, That You hear me when I call. Is it true that You are thinking of me. How You love me. It’s amazing. I am a friend of God. I am a friend of God. I am a friend of God. He calls me friend.”

    I am so glad He calls me friend.

    Love you sis XO

  7. I did feel a glimpse of His majesty in that moment, Love. It was inspiring. If only…I could take it with me every minute of the day. It makes me yearn for heaven all the more. Some day we won’t ever have to wonder what it’s like to be in His presence. We’ll experience it…every. single. moment. What a day that will be when my Jesus I will see…. ♥ U!

    Thanks, Sparkle. I’ve been aware of your prayers. You encourage me through your steadfast love and support. Love you! πŸ˜‰

    It is amazing, Gch! The Father of the Universe wants to be in fellowship with US!! Completely mind-boggling. I love that song. I have had to pull off the road to stop and listen when it’s come on the radio. At times it totally overwhelms. I love YOU, sweet girl! XO

  8. It is amazing isn’t it. The creator of the whole universe, and He cares about each and every one of us tiny little beings. All our little cares (that loom so large from our perspective). Every moment in our lives. He loves us.

    Praying for you Michelle, and your family. Sorry to have been away for so long.

  9. Me too, Alece. No one loves like Him.

    I’m so glad to see you back, Alan. Does this mean you’re back home? I hope you had a lovely time galavanting around the globe. πŸ™‚

    “All our little cares (that loom so large from our perspective)” Ain’t that the truth! When placed in the proper perspective, I can’t help but snigger at most of my worries. Now…others? Well, all I know to do is keep casting them on Him, praying for His will to be done.

    Thanks for the prayers, Alan. You’re in mine, as well. πŸ˜‰

  10. I think this is what I need right now Michelle…. I’m not in the best of moods.. and I think I need a swing to sit on….

    Lord I’m hurting… can u come rescue me? I want an Encounter with you…

  11. Swing-time alone with God is great for whatever ails ‘ya…and for whenever you just want to pour out your heart in praise…

    I’m sorry you’re hurting right now, Bajan. I’ll pray for His work in your life to be clear, for you to hear from Him in the way only He can speak, where there’s no question…you know that you know that you know you’ve heard His voice.

    His love is amazing. Even when we’ve wandered off to the darkest corners, He gently, yet persistently, pulls us back to Himself. I’ll be praying for you.

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